
Mothers' baby

Monday, 7 November 2016

The day mum take up courage

Dear babies,

Jie jie is 6y4m and didi is 2y9m.

When im writing this, mumy is in a battle to start a smartreader kindergarten. Is a battle and war of mind.. because ur daddy had finally supported mumy.. and lend out capital for this kindergarten to start.. we are waiting for loan approval too.

Soon, mumy will need to handle the kindy and also cheat time to grow up with both of you while taking care daddy. Mum also need to start providing for your maternal grandparents soon as grandfather will b retired in feb next year. All these financial needs and feeling "presence" thus take part in your growing up lured mumy to start this business.

While there is no certainty in future, but mumy knows who hold tomorrow.

Wednesday, 24 February 2016

The day i lost my cards

Yup.. lost all my cards.. no thanks to putting everthing in one basket. Weeks ahead will be collecting and reporting lost of cards.. damn. Bad start for the new year.. hope this is the first and last time. Cryyy

Thursday, 28 January 2016

Boy boy

Dear my little boy,

We will be celebrating your birthday in 2 weeks time. Yea, you are two..yes,terrible two.

You like to say "no" 不要in chinese. Everything also no.

Mummy feel so sorry for the four bad tooth in front. Mummy hope that you will not suffer terrible pain for that.

You r MR copy cat. Do everything your jie jie doing. Yes, you follow her. You feed bottle jiejie's doll, and lots of action.

Thanks god that you no so easily fall sick than ever. The bad days are gone, and please give the aplaud to mummy for dilligently supplementing you with vitamins.

You are good sleepers.

You are very clinging to mummy. I do hope this can last longer and mummy can felt wanted longer.

Dear, mummy hope can have more time to be with you, shapes and nurture you.
Happy birthday!!